El Jefe Trudeau allows China police stations on Canadian soil; two standards of law now exist

The People’s Republic of Communist China has opened at least three police stations on Canadian soil as part of an alleged attempt by the country’s security state to keep an eye on the Chinese-Canadian diaspora.

Three addresses in Toronto are known to be registered as “service stations” operated by the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, a police force active in the Chinese metropolis of Fuzhou. …


Canada-based dissidents of the Beijing government have long warned Canadian authorities that they face organized harassment from Chinese authorities. In 2019, the New York Times profiled Sheng Xue, a Mississauga-based opponent of the People’s Republic of Communist China who faced a relentless stream of cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns intended to discredit her.


“I thought I’d have a safe, happy life in Canada,” Sheng told the Times of her 1989 escape from Communist China in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. But the Chinese Communist Party, she added, “was already here.”

The key issue is that two standards of justice will now exist in Canada. One for the people from China, and another for Canadians. How long will it be before the Chinese who visit Canada will simply ignore Canadian laws altogether. The corollary of this is how long will it be before Canadians are subject to Chinese laws. I think that is where this is headed. Bringing all Canadians under the Chinese social credit system. This is the second part of dissolving the United Kingdom and establishing the sovereignty of China over citizens of the Commonwealth. What we know is that London right now is under U.N. occupation, and that there is no government in Britain. Ergo: the country is no longer under British Common Law tradition. Why as well the CCP is working hard to void the U.S. Constitution. Canada is being taken over, and the U.S. is next.

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