Pentagon task force spokesperson: Halper-Hayes; The lowdown on White Hat Military plan incoming

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes joins Sean at the SGT Report to discuss “The Plan” and the vaunted “White Hats” – where are they?

Sean Turnbull of SGT Reports says that anyone paying attention knows that the 2020 Election was stolen and that a coup took place – and it continues to take place, with the attempted C-19 genocide, the mass invasion of millions of illegals, hundreds of billions being laundered in Ukraine, $80 million of “cash shipments” being sent to Afghanistan every 10 to 14 days, ever since Taliban takeover (according to new SIGAR report), massive inflation, a ravaged the economy and the start of World War III.

Sean asks her, “Can you update the script for us, now? What is the script now? At what point are these traitors brought to justice?”

“Well,” she replies, “That’s a big question. No one knows except for the military that are read-in to the PEADS, the Presidential Emergency Action Documents. There are 7 that are non-military within that inner circle, who have specific roles that also know what’s going on.”

Once again, Dr Jan recommends that we read ‘Double Crossfire’ by AJ Tata, saying that it gives many clues as to what was going on behind the scenes. Brigadier General Tata (Ret) was the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for Chris Miller while the latter was serving as Acting Secretary of Defense during the final three months of the Trump administration, after Trump fired Mark Esper.

She says, “If you want to understand the machinations that go on behind the scenes and you want to see an incredible outcome that has similarities to what we’re hoping for – and his antagonist is a woman who becomes a senator. We’re not quite sure if he likened her to Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton but she was running for president and is determined to kill the President, the Vice President and the Speaker of the House so she can move into the presidency.

Sean then asks her if there will be an election in 2024?

She replies, “We’re all worried about that. We have generals giving interviews, saying they don’t think there will be an election. I don’t have credible information to say anything definitive but what I do know is that there have to be more truths that need to come out before we get to any election in the future – and I do know that the truth will be coming out.”

Exasperated, Sean asks her, “When in the world is that going to happen? Is it going to happen before the 2024 Election?”

“Well,” she replies, “it has to happen before the 2024 Election and if it doesn’t, then my guess is we will not go to a 2024 election. I think there are a couple of things that need to happen. I had thought that Sidney Powell was going to bring the Kraken in her lawsuit in Georgia.”

The Kraken, according to Jeff Prather, is “A counterintelligence, counterinsurgency tool that is able to track the vote-switching. It’s not recorded, you have to get it in realtime…the Kraken is actually the algorithm that does that.”

Sean then asks her about the war in Gaza that’s spreading to the entire Middle East and how we’re being forced to pick sides. Sean says that in his opinion, even if the official version of what happened on October 7th is 100% true, it does not warrant the unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people.

Dr Jan says, “Given Netanyahu, how obviously crooked that he is – that’s been exposed so many times – how does he keep getting re-elected or dropped into that? When Netanyahu first took over as the Prime Minister of Israel, there was a meeting and it was: King Abdullah of Jordan, Arafat, Clinton, the four of them and Dennis Ross sitting at the table. And King Abdullah [she means his father, King Hussein] turned to Netanyahu – and I don’t have it verbatim – he basically said, you are a pompous, young, little ass who does not know what he’s doing and shouldn’t be in that position. Clinton, at one point, as negotiations continued at Camp David had to tell Netanyahu off, as well.

“So, this has been going on for a very, very long time and I keep asking, ‘Who is the puppeteer – or puppeteers – of Netanyahu? Why have they brought this, at this time?’ Because they’ve brought religion into it. And when you bring religion into something, it’s not firecrackers, it’s dynamite.

My take “on will we have an election?” NO. The only way Biden stays out of jail is to remain in office, and that is also why Pelosi will run for the House again. We go to World War III and do not pass go to declare a national emergency or the Democrats just steal another election using a stable of Mules.

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