Nevil Shute’s “On the Beach” depicts total human annihilation after a nuclear war

Nuclear scientists frame total human extinction in terms of “beaches”, in reference to Nevil Shute’s book, On the Beach. Nuclear scientists took up the term to measure the strength of the world’s nuclear arsenals and concluded that there exists somewhere between 4 and 5 Beaches. That is to say – enough nuclear armaments to eliminate from fallout all human life on earth (four or five times over) if they were all exploded. Most of the world’s population will not die from the initial first strike, but radioactive fallout, and a nuclear winter that destroys the world’s agriculture. This is how crazed and desperate our sociopathic leadership has become to remain in power by even entertaining such a consequence. The neocons expressly believe, under the daft beliefs of Albert Wohlstetter, that a nuclear war can be won. I believe they are wrong, but they are poised to test another of their daft theories, like they did in Iraq, by challenging Russia. We know how Iraq turned out, dear reader. So I hope you have a deep bunker like those being bought by billionaires around the world. Only about 50 nuclear weapons are required to cover most of the area of North America, reducing its population by around 80 percent. Like I’ve said, immigration is destined to be a non-issue. Which brings me to another point, the U.S. military is unlikely to defend the Left Coast, using it as a buffer zone to centrally located bomb shelters in Colorado. Think more in terms of simple survival.

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