According to Otto Skorzeny, 50,000 SS escaped to America

Over time these 50,000 infiltrated American intelligence and actually set up a shadow government. That is, about 1 in 4 of the Schutzstaffel escaped.

Even if we used the more conservative estimates of what we know, programs like Operation Paperclip and the Russian Research Center at Harvard, 10,000 Nazis escaped to the U.S., 9000 to Argentina, and 8000 to the U.K. and Canada.

The original German Workers Party numbered only about a 100 when Adolf Hitler joined the German Beer Hall buddies. That is to say, there were more than a sufficient number over time to take over the United States.

We must also understand that the Nazis were split into two wings, the murderous hardcore SS and the Storm Detachment or SA. The latter group had much stronger socialist and homosexual tendencies, and were indeed started by Anton Drechsler, a machinist with an intellectual bent.

That is exactly how the American Nazis break down into two wings: a more socialist wing and a decidedly more big business wing we normally associate with fascism or corporatism. Consequently, we have Democrats and Republicans who agree on the only things that really matter to the fascists: the Military Industrial Security Complex and the Federal Reserve or the Nazis and the ZioNazis.

They in turn take turns governing the lemmings or who they call the useless eaters. They wage endless serial wars because that is precisely what Nazis and ZioNazis are hard wired to do: to impose their will.

Neither wing is democratic in any fashion. They laugh at democratic simpletons. As Martin Bormann did here in the United States where he remained under Allen Dulles’ protection, and as far as I know, died of old age.

It makes absolutely no difference whether you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican one. You’re going to get a Nazi in the oval office. The last American president was John F. Kennedy who was indeed assassinated by this shadow government.

It’s not much of a secret, that many scholars of the Kennedy assassination suspect that George H.W. Bush or George H. Scherf, Jr. was a key participant in this assassination.
BushGeorge H.W. Bush captured on photo outside the Dallas School Book Depository or at least his doppelganger.

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