Sealed records in Sandy Hook cover-up First they sealed

Sealed records in Sandy Hook cover-up


First they sealed the educational records of James “Joker” Holmes.  This was important because Mr. Holmes’s research involved mind control and “flicker fusion.” 

Indeed it was Mr. Holmes work in temporal illusions that attracted attention from colleges and elite science camps. 

Now we learn the state of Connecticut is seeking to seal the records in the Sandy Hook massacre.  Meaning the ballistics of the case will never be released, nor the surveillance footage of then newly installed cameras by principal Dawn Hochsprung, supposedly killed in the attack. 

In what free country does anyone seal the records to a mass murder of general public concern?  Totalitarian ones, yes.  To conceal facts and other unwanted revelations of danger to the state.  But not in countries that are truly democratic and governed by laws.

All the more reason to suspect Sandy Hook had no real investigation.  And without the latter there is no reason to trust the assertions of the Connecticut police.  Sandy Hook rests upon the quick sand of little empirical evidence. 

Though we do know for a fact there were two men fleeing in the field adjacent to the elementary school captured on helicopter video, and that one person of interest was placed in a police cruiser witnessed by many onlookers.

Then there was the sighting of Jennifer Sexton Greenberg, by the way one of my favorite crisis actresses, caught on tape giving an interview to CNN as grieving Sandy Hook parent.  All this effort to invalidate the 2nd Amendment.  Here’s Jenny on CNN posing as Mrs. Phelps and a comparison photo of her.  The last photo shows her playing the role of author Robbyn Swan.  Perhaps she’ll get a better gig that really showcases her talents.

Jenny and hubbyMrs. Phelps (Top panel)jennysexton67yt6Jenny

Jenny as Robbyn Swan

Robbyn Swan

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