Biden’s misery index

Dear readers, inflation rises and the misery index hits a high of 11.29 . . . and still climbing. In a word, Biden’s spending policies leads to the devaluation of your labor. You have to work longer and harder to have the same purchasing power you had just a few months ago. So if you don’t mind working longer just to have the same standard of living a few months ago, vote Democrat. But don’t imagine the Democrats aren’t taxing you. Inflation is a silent tax not one in a 100,000 recognizes until too late. Frankly, the Donkeys are looking at the polling and know they are behind the eight-ball. That is why I believe they’ll cancel the midterm elections to remain in power. They’ll create some distraction for the lemmings . . . like World War III. War becomes logical when investment dries up because of inflation when no one can calculate rationally whether they can turn a profit. Inflationary depressions are quite unique because even as prices rise the economy contracts, but it is not recognized as such. War on the other hand is different for defense contractors. They’ll charge whatever is necessary to turn a profit—and the government will pay it. That is what will restart business investment. Guaranteed profits. What’s different this time around? I’ve scrutinized RANDS gaming simulations, and it is not a lock we can win World War III.

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