Whistleblower Sues Feds Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) filed a motion July 19, seeking immediate injunctive relief in Alabama Federal District Court to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID vaccines — Pfizer/BioNTechModerna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) — for three groups of Americans.

According to a press release, AFLDS is asking to immediately stop administration of experimental COVID vaccines in anyone 18 and younger, all those who have recovered from COVID and acquired natural immunity, and every other American who has not received informed consent as defined by federal law.

The 67-page motion requests the judge issue a preliminary injunction pursuant to § 360bbb–3(b)(1)(C) for the following reasons:

  • There is no emergency, which is a prerequisite to issuing EUA and EUA renewals for COVID vaccines.
  • There is “no serious or life-threatening disease or condition.”
  • Vaccines do not diagnose, treat or prevent SARS-CoV-2 or COVID.
  • Known and potential risks of the vaccine outweigh their known and potential benefits.
  • There are adequate, approved and available alternatives to vaccines.
  • Healthcare professionals and vaccine candidates are not adequately informed.—Megan Redshaw, The Defender, July 20. 2021

No person can be rationally informed to form a judgment as to the merits or demerits of an experimental procedure like the COVID vaccine. Ergo: it violates informed consent. Authorities have absolutely not performed any long term scientific studies of the issue, and this observer believes the CDC has not sufficiently informed the public regarding what is in the vaccines for the public to make informed decisions. It amounts to Nazi science.

 According to Live Science, it normally takes years to decades to safely develop and test vaccines. With researchers beginning working on a polio vaccine in the 1930s, an effective vaccine didn’t come around until 1953 when Jonas Salk introduced his inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), an effort that took about 2 decades. 

Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline, July 20, 2021

Again, I believe the above fits my narrative that current globalist movement is not socialist, even remotely, but a Nazi movement, led by former Nazis like George Soros and wannabe Nazis like Klaus Schwab and Angela Merkel. Even the bogus PCR test was the result of Merkel’s own Ministry of Health, Christian Drosten. The Bilderberg Group that backs globalism was begun by Prince Bernhard von Lippe, a onetime captain in the Schutzstaffel or SS. Pretty much every major leader from the Western Industrial world has been anointed by the Bilderberg Group. Which is to say you must have their blessing to run for office. The lone wild card in this narrative was the candidacy of Donald J. Trump who they wrongly believed had zero chance of being elected. Hence, when he was elected, Mr. Trump became their most hated enemy who threatened to derail their “Hitler Plan” of erasing small countries and businesses around the world to establish a One World Government Dictatorship or corporatism.

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