COVID remorse: I took the shot and now am seeing a hemotologist.

I recently had a bone marrow biopsy so I’ll have something to compare the above to.

Philippe van Welbergen, a doctor from Great Britain, has taken blood from patients who experienced side effects after the corona vaccine. He made blood smears and put them under a regular microscope.

The photo above shows red blood cells from someone who has not been vaccinated against corona (left) and blood from someone who has taken a Moderna vaccine (right). The differences are obvious: the blood cells on the left are nicely round and evenly distributed, while the vaccinated’s blood cells look crumpled and clump together.

It looks like the blood has been poisoned
Gold colored ‘tubes’ can also be seen on the right. The same structures have been observed by the Spanish researchers who discovered that the vaccines from Pfizer and AstraZeneca contain graphene oxide.

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