1st, Fauci is just a waterboy for the globalists who are the fascist industrial elite who are attempting to reprogram society to eliminate Neils Bohr and Heisenberg’s uncertainty and institute by fiat Einstein’s claim that God does not play dice. Another way of saying we have to get rid of the market system, and probability that people rise to the top merely by chance expectations. Ergo: sustainability demands a command and control economy where uncertainty is eliminated. Clearly the pandemic was a conspiracy by people like the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg Group. And to believe conspiracies do not exist, (for what were the Nazis if not a conspiracy?), is the domain of intellectual morons. Certainly, Cicero would have been surprised by such an assertion. And think of it, what would humans owe to the Gods (who knows, perhaps ancient aliens) if you were just a chance event like Darwin’s survival of the fittest. So like all Cargo Cult Gods the first thing they will want to eliminate is something like Charles Darwin’s notion of natural selection, or even Karl Marx who was a close reader of Darwin’s work. So while the globalists pretend to be fighting racism; they are just really practicing class warfare. The elite are the Cargo Cult Gods, and the serfs were fashioned by the human subject experiments of the elite like mRNA vaccines, foisted upon the dupes by convincing them of a pandemic. Yes, there is real collateral damage, and deaths to this ruse, but the elites think of said dupes like they are nothing more than “useless eaters” and now expendable because of robotics which they hide behind the moniker of the 4th Industrial Revolution, a quaint name for the genocide of workers (or the God Queen sheds no tears for the dregs of Aberfan).

The elites seek to insure their social reproduction through nonmarket access to the state. The state being their economic backstop to the vagaries of the market–i.e., uncertainty–of actual competition. This is because they are not quite up to snuff in terms of competitiveness and knowledge of the production process. They have been schooled in finance, and not any longer in production engineering. Hence their gravitation to statism, and nonmarket social reproduction. They are simply not fit enough to survive the rigors of actual capitalism. And then they seek to blame the workers for their own intellectual shortcomings and skills. Dear readers we see the same thing in the English capitalist class at the turn of the 20th century. Because of their own lack of training they seek to restore profitability of their enterprises through the lowering of wages and off-shoring of jobs. Ergo: their fixation on unchecked and unvetted immigration to lower wages through manufacturing a surplus army of unemployed.

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