Satanic Verses

More so to fascists . . . truth is their bane

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron Says “Non-Violent Conspiracy Theorists” Are Just As Dangerous As ISIS

Obviously, stooges like David Cameron cannot confront arguments in the public sphere to refute them, but must resort to censorship like any other fascist to retain power.  Or better yet, to steal votes through rigging to rob people, the Scots, of their democracy.  And pray tell, what is the empirical evidence for the assertion that “conspiracy theorists” are more dangerous than ISIS.  By God, what an utter simpleton.  Mr. Cameron now imagines he is King.  With all due haste I urge Queen Elizabeth to inform him otherwise.  And as for 9/11 being a conspiracy theory, to the contrary, 9/11 Truthers simply point out the collapse of WTC7 is inconsistent with physics, unless Mr. Cameron wishes to change the laws of physics to fit the lame narrative promoted after 9/11.  Where was this buffoon educated?

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